Testing always help us to figure out the unintentional bug we have committed while writing our code.

So, let’s write some tests for the gamification app we have created earlier and find out what we have missed.

We could start by testing the models and see if all the methods we designed for the Participant model is working the way we wanted:

So, let’s first setUp the required tests data:

class ParticipantModelTest(TestCase):

    def setUpTestData(cls):
        # Set up non-modified objects used by all methods
                             min_score=0, max_score=5,
                             min_score=5, max_score=10,
            name='Created a newcomer bug')
            name='The Bug Finder')
        Activity.objects.create(name='Created a newcomer bug',

Now the first method we have in the participant model is __str__ method, it means that the function object name should be the participant username:

    def test_object_name_is_participant_username(self):
        participant = Participant.objects.get(username='sks444')
        expected_object_name = 'sks444'

And it passes!

The second method is class Meta ordering with [-score], it means that the participant with the higher score would be up in the leaderboard.

    def test_class_meta_ordering(self):
        participant1 = Participant.objects.get(username='sks444')
        participant1.score = 5
        participant2 = Participant.objects.get(username='test')
        participant2.score = 10
        participants = Participant.objects.all()
        self.assertEquals(participants[0].username, 'test')
        self.assertEquals(participants[1].username, 'sks444')

And it passes! As we can see that the participant test is the first item in the list instead of sks444 because it has the highest score.

The third method is add_points which simply calls the update_score_and_level method and add_activity method. And the update_score_and_level method uses the find_level_for_score method, So let’s first test the find_level_for_score method, which should return a level object based on the total score of the participant.

    def test_find_level_for_score_method(self):
        participant = Participant.objects.get(username='sks444')
        level = participant.find_level_for_score(5)
        self.assertEquals(level.name, 'beginner')

And it passes!

Now, test for update_score_and_level method, which should update the total score and level of the participant based on the activity performed and the points assigned to that activity.

    def test_update_score_and_level_method(self):
        participant = Participant.objects.get(username='sks444')
        # Before update
        self.assertEquals(participant.score, 0)
        self.assertEquals(participant.level.name, 'newbie')

        # Update

        # After update
        self.assertEquals(participant.score, 5)
        self.assertEquals(participant.level.name, 'beginner')

And it passes!

Now, the tests for the add_activity method, which should add a new activity to the participant who performs that activity and if that activity is already performed by the participant it should increase the number_of_times field with one.

But, wait! I just realized that our old add_activity method doesn’t check if an activity is already performed by the same is user, it just checks if an activity is performed(by any user), if yes it increases the number_of_times field with one. And that has to fixed before writing the tests.

Now, let’s do some detailed testing for the modified add_activity method.

    def test_add_activity_method(self):
        participant = Participant.objects.get(username='sks444')

        # Befor applying add_activity
        self.assertEquals(participant.activities.count(), 0)

        # Apply add_activity
        points = 5
        activity = 'Created a newcomer bug'
        participant.add_activity(points, activity)

        # After applying add_activity
        self.assertEquals(participant.activities.count(), 1)

        # Performing the same activity again
        participant.add_activity(points, activity)

        # No new activity added
        self.assertEquals(participant.activities.count(), 1)

        # Number of times this activity has been performed
        # by the participant
        same_activity = participant.activities.get(

        # 'number_of_times' of old activity increased by one
        self.assertEquals(same_activity.number_of_times, 2)

As you can see, I have done testing for all the aspects of add_activity method. and it passes too:)

Similarly, I have written tests for the find_badges_for_activity, add_badge, tests for other models, tests for views and the management commands too, which can be found in the gamification pr.

What’s Next

Phase-3 will be about improving the gamification app and improving the gitter messages analysis along with writing documentation and more testing.